
The Meeting Places of God


The Meeting Places of God

Within this book, the Meeting Places of God, you will discover the variety of places in which it is possible to encounter God. Though you and I do not always know that these places exist, God sovereignly engineers both situation and circumstance in order to bring us to the place where we can transact fully with Him. Whether it was Moses at the burning bush, Jacob in the certain place or Paul on the road to Damascus, each one made a significant transaction with God through them each finding God in that meeting place. Throughout this book, there are nineteen sessions and each session will unveil to you the power of the meeting place. Afterwards, groups may then be formed, and through the use of strong group dynamics, an environment of openness and trust will be created in order to discuss the contents of each session.

This interactive iBook is an electronic download bundle. Once purchased, you’ll receive a beautifully designed iBook for your iOS device, along with a PDF that’s viewable anywhere.


The Meeting Places of God

Within this book, the Meeting Places of God, you will discover the variety of places in which it is possible to encounter God. Though you and I do not always know that these places exist, God sovereignly engineers both situation and circumstance in order to bring us to the place where we can transact fully with Him. Whether it was Moses at the burning bush, Jacob in the certain place or Paul on the road to Damascus, each one made a significant transaction with God through them each finding God in that meeting place. Throughout this book, there are nineteen sessions and each session will unveil to you the power of the meeting place. Afterwards, groups may then be formed, and through the use of strong group dynamics, an environment of openness and trust will be created in order to discuss the contents of each session.

This interactive iBook is an electronic download bundle. Once purchased, you’ll receive a beautifully designed iBook for your iOS device, along with a PDF that’s viewable anywhere.